Title I and Learning Assistance Program
The Title I and LAP teams (Beth Fries and Michelle Waite) work together with classroom teachers to support students' academic growth.
Title I
Crystal Springs is a school-wide Title I school. Title I is a federal program which provides funds to schools based on the number of students receiving free/reduced lunch. At Crystal Springs, our Title I focus is reading. We use research-based best practices and partner with classroom teachers and families to support our students as they grow towards grade level standards. Title I serves students through individualized interventions, small group support, and/or extended day programs.
Title I Documents
Learning Assistance Program - LAP
Crystal Springs’ Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is focused on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level standards in reading. At Crystal Springs, our LAP program emphasizes research-based best practices designed to increase student achievement. These practices include collaboration with classroom teachers, direct instruction with small groups or individual students, and parent partnerships.
View Our School's OSPI Report Card
Title I Contact :
Michelle Waite